Our colleague Frédéric Maffray
suddenly passed away in the summer 2018. We organized a scientific
conference to pay homage to Frédéric. The conference took place
in Grenoble on 2-4 September 2019, one year after his passing.
Frédéric Maffray was a researcher in discrete mathematics and held
the position of “directeur de recherche” with the CNRS. He authored more than 125 scientific articles,
published in international journals at the highest level. He
collaborated with nearly a hundred researchers of all nationalities. His
research focus was graph theory, notably the study of structural
properties of graphs (perfect graphs and more generally graphs
characterized by forbidden subgraphs) that permit the efficient
resolution of classic optimization problems such as graph coloring.
Frédéric was a member of the Combinatorial Optimization team at the
G-SCOP laboratory and was a CNRS researcher in Grenoble since 1990. He
was one of the most productive and esteemed graph theorists in France.
This conference, open to all and without registration fees, reunited his colleagues to celebrate the significant scientific
contribution of Frédéric Maffray as well as his remarkable personal
qualities. The program consisted of invited presentations
delivered by his collaborators, former students and close
colleagues. The slides of some of the talks, as well
as some pictures taken during the conferences, are available here.
Organizing Committee:
Bousquet, Louis Esperet, Benjamin Lévêque, Alantha Newman, Myriam
Preissmann, András Sebő, Matej Stehlik, Zoltán Szigeti, Nicolas