Contact #
Louis Esperet
Laboratoire G-SCOP, bureau H318
46, avenue Félix Viallet
38000 Grenoble
Phone : +33 (0) 4 76 57 45 79
Email : louis.esperet@grenoble-inp.fr
About me #
I am a Senior CNRS Researcher (Directeur de Recherche CNRS), working in the Combinatorial Optimization group of the G-SCOP Laboratory in Grenoble, France.
I am interested in all aspects of graph theory and its connections with various fields (mostly in mathematics and computer science). A non-exhaustive list of interests include combinatorial optimization, (distributed) algorithms, extremal combinatorics, property testing, communication complexity, geometric group theory, probability theory, discrete geometry, and topology.
Selected publications #
- M. Bonamy, N. Bousquet, L. Esperet, C. Groenland, C.-H. Liu, F. Pirot, and A. Scott, Asymptotic dimension of minor-closed families and Assouad-Nagata dimension of surfaces, Journal of the European Mathematical Society 26(10) (2024), 3739–3791, arXiv
- V. Dujmović, L. Esperet, P. Morin, and D.R. Wood, Proof of the Clustered Hadwiger Conjecture, 64th IEEE Symposium on the Foundations of Computer Science (FOCS 2023), arXiv
- L. Esperet, G. Joret and P. Morin, Sparse universal graphs for planarity, Journal of the London Mathematical Society 108(4) (2023), 1333-1357, arXiv
- M. Bonamy, L. Esperet, C. Groenland, and A. Scott, Optimal labelling schemes for adjacency, comparability and reachability, 53rd Annual ACM Symposium on Theory of Computing (STOC 2021), arXiv
- V. Dujmović, L. Esperet, C. Gavoille, G. Joret, P. Micek, and P. Morin, Adjacency Labelling for Planar Graphs (and Beyond), Journal of the ACM 68(6) (2021), Article 42, 1-33, arXiv
Upcoming events #
We organize two days of talks in Lyon on graphs and complexity on April 7-8, 2025.
Recent or upcoming talks #
- ALEA days 2025 (Marseille, France), March 21, 2025, Sketches for adjacency and distances in graphs
- Algorithmic Graph Theory Seminar series (online), January 20, 2025, Long induced paths
- Oberwolfach graph theory workshop (Oberwolfach, Germany), January 8, 2025, Long induced paths
- Séminaire du GT Graphes (online), November 5, 2024, Random/algebraic methods in graph theory
- Séminaire de Mathématiques Discrètes (Grenoble, France), October 17, 2024, The clustered Hadwiger conjecture
- Workshop New Perspectives in Colouring and Structure (Banff, Canada), October 3, 2024, The clustered Hadwiger conjecture
A new diamond open access journal in graph theory #
We are excited to announce the launch of Innovations in Graph Theory, a mathematical journal publishing high-quality research in graph theory and its interactions with other areas. The journal is diamond open access, meaning there are no charges for authors and no charges for readers. It is hosted and published by the Centre Mersenne, located in Grenoble.
Do not hesitate to display the poster in your department, and to advertise the journal to your colleagues.