Recent advances in the theory of directed graphs

A school on Graph Theory was organized from June 17 to June 21, 2013, in Oléron, France. The purpose of the school is to cover recent advances in the theory of directed graphs.

The school consisted of three series of lectures on the following topics:

In addition to these series of lectures, Stéphane Bessy and Stéphan Thomassé will animate a session of open problems on the topic of directed graphs.


The registration is now closed. Don't hesitate to contact the organizers at if you have any question.

The registration fees are 180 euros for doctoral and post-doctoral students, and 300 euros for permanent researchers (it's free for CNRS researchers). The fees are 400 euros for non academic participants. This registration fee covers accomodation and meals during the stay in Oléron.

Scientific and organizing committee


This school is sponsored by the CNRS under reference École Thématique n°1315136, by the GDR-IM, by INRIA, and by the ANR, through ANR projects AGAPE, Heredia, and EGOS. Support is also provided by the Université Bordeaux 1 and by the LaBRI.

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