
The school will be hosted by the IGESA center in Porquerolles:

Porquerolles 83400 Hyères
Phone: +33 4 94 12 31 80

See here for the precise location on google maps.

In order to get to Porquerolles the best is to take the a ferry at Tour Fondue. Here is a schedule of the ferry. Note that the last boat is at 18:00 on Sunday May 17.

The closest cities of reasonable size are Hyères and Toulon. The best is to reach the Toulon-Hyères International Airport, which is very close to Porquerolles, or Toulon train station.

There will be a shuttle on Sunday May 17 starting at 16:00 from Toulon bus station, which is right next to Toulon train station, to Tour-Fondue Harbour. If needed, the shuttle will go through the Toulon-Hyères International Airport to pick some participants.

On Friday May 22, there will be a shuttle at 14:45 from Tour-Fondue Harbour to Toulon Station. If needed, it will also stop at Toulon-Hyères Airport.

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